Canada’s Newt Gingrich, and wannabe Voyeur Of All Our Personal Business, has been outed.

Vic Toews, Canada’s Public Safety Minister and author of a highly invasive spy bill that would enable the government to spy on citizens without need of a warrant, is not the Big-C Conservative and Christian family values man he has claimed to be.

Ordinarily, few Canadians care about the personal lives of public figures, including our politicians, but that changed yesterday when Toews called the vast majority of Canadians who oppose his bill “pedophile and child pornographer supporters.” Link

Today a Twitter account surfaced called Vikileaks30, that provides snippets of Vic’s sordid affair and nasty divorce. The text of the divorce is on the public record so whoever is tweeting this information has legal access.

Personally, I don’t care what he did. As long as the affair was with someone of legal age and all the players were consenting adults, it’s none of my business. Yes, he’s a douchebag,  but loads of people are douchebags in their personal lives. They are still entitled to privacy. (Heads up, Vic, yo!)

There’s just one niggling problem in this instance. Well, two.

  1. Conservatives, especially this Reform bunch, are always holding themselves up as moral gatekeepers. And Vic is no exception. He has campaigned as Mr. Christian Family Values his entire political career. If there was a hypocrite award, Vic Toews would win first prize. Beyond tapping his 30-years-younger babysitter while married to someone else, this pro-life family values Christian impregnated the girl, dumped his wife and kids and shut off support payments to them.
  2. Yesterday Vic called Canadians the worst thing you can ever call anyone.  He should be begging our forgiveness.

Toews isn’t getting much support or sympathy today about the Vikileaks from anybody, not even conservative voters.

Toews reaction to the Twitter feed was predictable and, once again, outrageously hypocritical:

“I won’t get involved in this kind of gutter politics,” Toews said in an emailed statement. “Engaging in or responding to this kind of discussion leads nowhere.”

Never mind that gutter politics has been the Harper government’s bread and butter since 2006.  And Vic Toews is well immersed, as he well demonstrated this week.  But narcissists always put themselves first and Vic – who keenly wants to read all of our email – feels slighted and victimized.  Typical typical.

Now that the backlash has hit, the ReformaTories say they are willing to consider changes. Which opens the door for all kinds of jokes.  (It’s just too easy with these clowns.)

The government should be forced to tear up its plan for a police state.  Alas, our Prime Minister continues to defend it.   It is, after all, his plan.

One response

  1. Did Voyeur Vic do the babysitter? Why did Voyeur Vic get to keep his seat after being convicted in 2005 with exceeding election spending limits by $7000?
    Why is it that when Harper goes to Europe, he tries to impose a “Greek Formula” on our pension plan, and when he goes to China, he tries to impose a “Chinese police state” voyeuristic spy system on Canadians?

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